2004-01-18 11:35:50 UTC
※ 引述《Chun-Chieh Huang <***@cm.nctu.edu.tw>》之銘言:
: 這段的意思是說,RFC-2822 不講支援其他傳送影像、多媒體等等格式,並不是
: 說不使用 MIME. 根據 RFC-2822 Section 2.3 Body:
rfc1036 裡頭 Message Format 這個章節說:
all USENET news messages must be formatted as valid Internet mail
messages, according to the Internet standard RFC-822. The USENET
News standard is more restrictive than the Internet standard.
如果你看完 rfc1036 仍然堅持 news/bbs 必需符合 MIME, 那你就繼續堅持己見.
否則我可以免費給你上一課: 認錯比硬柪容易
A quotation from the movie "The Se7en":
Ernest Hemingway once wrote that,
"The world is a fine place and worth fighting for."
I agree with the second part.
[m※ Origin: 臺大電機 Maxwell 站 ◆ From: 218-163-138-205.HINET-IP.hinet.net
: 這段的意思是說,RFC-2822 不講支援其他傳送影像、多媒體等等格式,並不是
: 說不使用 MIME. 根據 RFC-2822 Section 2.3 Body:
rfc1036 裡頭 Message Format 這個章節說:
all USENET news messages must be formatted as valid Internet mail
messages, according to the Internet standard RFC-822. The USENET
News standard is more restrictive than the Internet standard.
如果你看完 rfc1036 仍然堅持 news/bbs 必需符合 MIME, 那你就繼續堅持己見.
否則我可以免費給你上一課: 認錯比硬柪容易
A quotation from the movie "The Se7en":
Ernest Hemingway once wrote that,
"The world is a fine place and worth fighting for."
I agree with the second part.
[m※ Origin: 臺大電機 Maxwell 站 ◆ From: 218-163-138-205.HINET-IP.hinet.net